• Working With Women Highlight-Perseverance and Success

    Working With Women Highlight-Perseverance and Success

    What keeps you from reaching your goals in your business?
    If we hear multiple no’s or face adversary on our path to our goal, it's hard not to be discouraged and give up. What drives you to keep going?
    Todd Birr, an Olympic Curler, spoke at our Working With Women meeting in May about persistence, perseverance and success. For most athletes, age is a limitation; however, through patience and hard work, Todd is performing his best after the age of 40. He had a vision and fought to achieve it.
    Age doesn’t matter. Hearing “no” doesn’t matter. You dictate the path towards your goal, even if the path is longer than you expected.
    Meg Chiodo of Edina Realty Title stated that one of her big take-away’s from Todd’s presentation was the important of perseverance. It’s important to stick with it, and if you do, results will come. Have patience! (Kind of like the golden rule of networking…be patient, persevere, and then look for results!)
    “No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance.”
    -Ramana Maharshi

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